Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How the life and personal qualities of Harry Bridges can inspire us to Scholarship Essay

How the life and personal qualities of Harry Bridges can inspire us to pass on our goals today - Scholarship Essay ExampleAfter completing school, Bridges declined to enter his fathers real estate business, choosing to be a merchant seaman at 16. In 1920, Bridges entered the USA, and became a longshoreman at San Francisco in 1922. Bridges protested against the stranglehold of the ship owners through the company-controlled Longshoremens Association of San Francisco and the Bay constituent (the Blue Book Union). Speedups, arbitrary dismissals, blacklisting of militant workers, low wages, long hours and dangerous working conditions were endemic on the docks. Bridges earned support among the longshoremen for the revival of the local of the International Longshoremens Association, advocating Organization...rank and file control... unity of action... federation democracy... solidarity among all Coast ports... among all unions, (ILWU website). The local ILA was formed in 1933. Despite pr essure from the Roosevelt administration, theories of a communistic conspiracy and media opposition, the 1934 double-u Coast Longshore whang began on May 9, with Bridges as the chairman of the Strike Committee. Bridges formed a coalition of all waterfront workers and effectively stopped shipping on the West Coast. On July 5, Bloody Thursday, the police charged the workers picket lines, shooting into the ranks of unarmed men, and wounded over unrivalled hundred men. Two men were killed. This led to a general strike and finally, arbitration commenced, with the unions successfully negotiating conjugation hiring-halls, a thirty hour week, higher wages, union recognition and coast-wide contracts. In 1937, Bridges founded the ILWU, serving as President for 40 years.Bridges life was characterized by a shining integrity which one cannot crush to admire. He remained steadfast in his loyalty to his fellow-workers, insisting that the salary of all union officials be the aforesaid(prenom inal) as that of a longshoremans wages. His tactics are a shining example of the saw United we stand,

Monday, April 29, 2019

Oedipus the King- Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Oedipus the King- Critical Analysis - Essay ExampleHowever, in the end we find out that this prophecy came true despite Oedipus attempt to steer clear of those results. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles makes it clear bunch, choices, and ones personality all go hand in hand. Before do an in-depth analysis of the story with respect to the thesis stated above, it is customary to make a quick go through the story. Laius, the King of Thebes is warned by Delphic oracle not to marry Jocasta because if he does, the couple would pee birth to a fuck up who would kill Laius and marry Jocasta. Being ignorant towards the advice of the oracle, Laius marries Jocasta. Upon the birth of the fry, Oedipus, Laius pierces the childs ankle and leaves him unattended on a hill to die. A shepherd takes the child and delivers him to King Polybos in Corinth. The Delphic oracle finds Oedipus and tells him that he is destined to assassinate his father and sleep with his mother. Having heard such a dreadful de cision of the destiny, Oedipus resolves to run away from his family so that he would be able to make certain that he never commits the sin. On his way to Thebes, he encounters a stranger at a reefer of three roads who happens to be Oedipuss real father, Laius. Oedipus kills Laius, who is a stranger to him and proceeds to Thebes. As he topes Thebes, he defeats the Sphinx and is rewarded with the position of the King of Thebes. He marries Jocasta in this position as she happens to be the queen. Jocasta somehow comes to cope that Laius has been killed by a group of robbers. After a span of sixteen years or more than, Thebes catches plague. As per his commitment with the public, Oedipus searches for the killer of Laius and ultimately gets to know that he himself is the person he has been looking for. Having realized the truth, Jocasta hangs herself to goal and Oedipus loses his eye sight. The Chorus mourns the sorrowful destiny of King Oedipus. One of the most fundamental themes o f this play is fate and the fact that it is beyond human power to escape fate. What is destined to happen, will happen at whatsoever cost and there is no way escaping it. This is what has happened with two main characters in the story, i.e. Laius and King Oedipus. By not paying heed to the divine warning made by oracle Delphic against his decision of marrying Jocasta, Laius essentially committed two sins First, he went against the will of god and married Jocasta. Secondly, the act of leaving the newborn baby to hillside to no ones discretion put Laius into guilt for the rest of his life. Laius resolved to leave the child alive on the hillside so that there would be at least one per cent jeopardize of his survival (Vellacott 139). To this end, all that happened with Laius seems quite justified and reasonable since he had originally gone against the will of god. What is more important and yet, more difficult to comprehend is the reason for which Oedipus had to go through all the sh ameful experiences and reach the tragic destination of blindness. Obviously, this had to happen since the oracle had warned Laius regarding the association of the very future with his act of marrying Jocasta at the outset. So Oedipus had to be the very son of Laius who was destined to be murderer and adulterer. But it seems just too cheating(prenominal) for Oedipus to be the victim of Laiuss mistake since he was innocent in whatever he did because that was make unintentionally and not knowingly. However, the author does seem to make sense for punishing

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Retention Intervention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Retention Intervention - Essay ExampleTo counteract a high gear turnover rate, a set of computer storage techniques push aside be used to avoid/resolve conflicts and cleanse the company image. Retention means retaining those employees who share the company values and fit with the company profile. When staff retention is a program, a workforce development program can be initiated.An organization cannot survive if its bring in performers quit. Loyal and dedicated workers are needed if the companys strategic objectives are to realized. The management must(prenominal) retain valuable employees in order to tick the long term success of the company. An employee who spends a longitudinal duration with an organization becomes more familiar with its rules and guidelines and has less adjusting issues. This can save the company valuable judgment of conviction it will otherwise have to spend on training and helping adjust new promotes.Whenever an employee resigns, it is the business o f the HR to intervene and find the cause of submission. There can be many reasons for a resignation which includes lesser salary, lack of growth, negative ambience etc. The primary role of the HR is to keep way of life of any trends or patterns which may emerge in resignation data which suggest that there is a riddle for the employees.In order to ensure that the retention issue and resignation does not arise in the first place, the recruitment of the right candidate by the HR department is necessary. The HR department should recruit people who fit the company profile. It is enticing to hire a person by forcing him to stay for a lesser salary but this is a bad tactic. The person might stay for some period but will eventually leave. The recruitment process therefore should be tailor made to ensure the right people are hired who wont cause a retention problem to arise in the first place.There are many retention techniques that an HR department can undertake. These include the launc h of motivational

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Blog exercise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Blog exercise - Assignment ExampleAs a result, white fails to commonly qualify as a racial marker.Being white is often not associated with ethnicity or joint social groups that make up a race. In this respect, it would appear that race and whiteness are cardinal independent factors, such that they do not relate or interrelate in any way. Therefore, the sensed disconnection between white and race fails to account for white as a racial marker.Finally, the attitude, environment, beliefs, and social perceptions towards whiteness shape the underlying notion relative to racial marking. The aforementioned factors inform the superiority opinion attributed to being white. Whiteness is mostly associated with the best and perfect things, thus the reluctance to use white as a racial marker.The documentary, Mirrors of Privilege Making Whiteness Visible, (http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAljja0vi2M) presents the whiteness factor in the western context. The film shows just how much white people denounce racism. A global stead of racial marking is highlighted, alongside how the white people constitute the white

Friday, April 26, 2019

Nursing care to transgender Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Nursing awe to transgender - Research Paper ExampleNursing sell to transgender Current state of knowledgeBoth the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and lesbian Task Force define transgender broadly to include those who transition from one gender to another (transsexuals), and those who may not, including genderqueer people, cross-dressers, the androgynous, and those whose gender non-conformity is part of their identity (NTDS, 2011, p. 12). Gender non-conformists include lesbians, gay, and bisexuals (NTDS, 2011, p. 12). Provision 1 of the Code of Ethics for Nurses of the American Nurses Association (2001) pointed out that the nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of wellness problems. The introduce of the Code of Ethics prescribed by the Internationa l Council of Nurses clearly and unequivocally pointed out that nursing care must be respectful and unrestricted by gender and gender orientation (ICN, 2006, p.1). In soak up with the codes of ethics mentioned, this look into of lit seeks to find out the current state of knowledge in gender-orientation-sensitive health care. ... literature seeks to find out what material can be considered as the material that can raise a basic reference for protocols and approach towards a gender-orientation-sensitive health care. This check covers materials from 2009 to 2012 and starts from a review of literature conducted on the subject in 2009. Thus, the inclusion criteria followed for the literature review are works written from 2009 to 2012, publish in nursing or health journals, and must have the word transgender in the title of the material. The expulsion criteria included materials that are unpublished or non-journal articles, published earlier than 2009, and those that are only online materials. Other materials bulge in the bibliography because they are relevant to be discussed in elaborating the points articulated in the selected materials. In a review of literature Addis et al. (2009, p. 647) pointed out that member of various groups will have different needs, risks and expectations which impact on health, upbeat and patterns of accessing health and social care services. Primarily based on this point, the authors justified why a review of literature on social and health care are important among the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people. The revolve around of the authors integrative review of literature was to find out what research has indicated to be the appropriate guidelines or principles in health care among transgender people. Addis et al. (2009) pointed out that transgender people have been largely unknown, together with the gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Based on their 2009 review of literature, Addis et al. observed that among the main themes that can be derived in the health care studies involving the social groups are isolation and their state of mental health.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Internal Policies (Accounting Ethics) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Internal Policies (Accounting Ethics) - Essay ExampleThe basis of all the policies for having a successful business wad is that of privacy and confidentiality. The details of the clients are not divulged in any way. The draft can be as followsAfter potential offers have been received from the external parties for business contracts, our internal department of quality ascendance goes through all the possible nooks or corners of the proposal that verifies the proposal and intention of the clientsAfter the initial verifications, the appoint department of the firm indulges into in-house analysis of the proposed contract and checks all the clauses and subsections. Also, the department looks into the expected benefit of the organisation from the proposed come homeAlong with the above policies, the most important factor remains that of confidentiality and privacy as sharing intricate, verbalized and implicit details of our present future, past or would have been clients are against th e ethics practised by our firmOur firms basically use electronic communicating system to maintain the two-way flow of communication with their clients and for official uses. We use emails to get their clients up to - date instruction and details with the present status of their assignments. unhomogeneous accounting softwares are also used to maintain the accounts of the clients. With the improvements of the technology, nowadays all filling of firms and reporting are being done by the internet. The example of corporate filing can take into consideration which require online filling with Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Even various forms are to be filled up online. Therefore, the policies for electronic communication of the accounting firms should be strong enough. While assigning a project, the clients always provide some documents and information to the accounting firm. It may be in paper format or electronic format only if they have to retain all those document safely. They mu st ensure that the valuable documents

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

ExxonMobil Corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

ExxonMobil Corporation - Research Paper ExampleThe modern history of the US rock crude petroleum and gas sedulousness began in the latter half of the 19th century with the first mercenary oil drilling guess in Pennsylvania. The period 1955 - 2002 saw an important era in the US oil and gas industry. In spite of large scale production, the US saw itself drawing smoothen its reserves of both oil and gas during this period. The US increased its reliance on foreign oil during the 1950s and 1960s. In 1960, the presidential term of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was formed. Various political and economic events, in position the wars in the Middle eastern during the late 1960s and 1970s had substantial impacts on the world oil and gas industry. Prior to 1955, the US was both the largest producer of oil in the world with over 60 percent of world production and a net exporter of oil.A SWOT Analysis has been conducted to scan the midland and external environment that surrounds t he company. With the aid of the analysis, a TOWS matrix has been drawn so as to study the challenges confront by the company and form strategies to counter these challenges.The modern history of the US oil and gas industry began in the latter half of the 19th century with the first commercial oil drilling venture in Pennsylvania. The period 1955 - 2002 saw an important era in the US oil and gas industry. In spite of large scale production, the US saw itself drawing down its reserves of both oil and gas during this period. The US increased its reliance on foreign oil during the 1950s and 1960s. In 1960, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was formed. Various political and economic events, in particular the wars in the Middle East during the late 1960s and 1970s

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Company Analysis ( MGM Resorts) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Company Analysis ( MGM Resorts) - Essay Example at that place is a significant dependence on the ability of the measure resorts to generate the operating cash function to repay the fund capital expenditures, financial debts and the provision for the excess cash flow for future stinting growth and development. In the MGM resorts, there have been significant investments in standard procedures for adding entertainment, new restaurants, nightlife promotions, as puff up as other new characteristics and facilities. More over, there has been a regular capital investment to maintain the standard qualities of the hotel rooms and the civic spaces.The generation of cash flows by the standard domestic resorts of MGM in the year 2012 sophisticated than the previous year and the year 2010 and there is an expectation that the efficient and effective trend will hatch into the coming years despite the changeless economic declines. The visitation to the Las Vegas rose significantly up to 2 percent in the year 2012, and the room inventory has been optimum with inadequate new rooms egress planned in the recent years.. Despite the constant concerns, concerning the economic instability in the state of China, and the execution of the latest smoking limitations in Macau there is an expectation that the Macau market platform should continue to expand or rather grow. In the year 2012, the speed of growth declined a little bit but the gambling casino revenue for the Macau market still raised over 14 percent in the year 2011. It shows that over the years of the development of the MGM resort it has been consistently making profits no matter the challenging conditions of the online market.It is due to the competence of the top management that strives to maintain a competitive advantage. The competitive advantage is constant at the MGM resort due to the facts that it actually considers the welfare of its customers (Vogel, 2001). Most of the customers at the MGM resort prefer survey to the price

Multiculturalism in America and Its Impact on the American Identity Essay - 2

Multi paganism in America and Its Impact on the American Identity - Essay ExampleIt is evidently clear from the discussion that America is a multicultural society, where incompatible cultures coexist alongside each other. Multiculturalism started as a movement at the end of the 19th degree Celsius in the United States and Europe. The large number immigration of southern and eastern Europeans and Latin Americans were the driving forces behind it. The multiplication of multiculturalism was the concept of cultural pluralism. The different features of different cultures often combine and incorporate. In this way, a cultural operate is formed which produces an environment of tolerance and respect for each other. In a multicultural society, individuals have the freedom to practice their admit religion, follow their own dressing code, to eat what they want and participate in cultural practices despite its variance from the mainstream cultural norms. Since the first half of the 19th century, United States has witnessed a constant mass immigration. These immigrants have played a pivotal role in shaping the cultural landscape of America. The immigrants having their own values, beliefs and attitudes, created their own perception of the adopted home. The passing of these beliefs and attitudes to their children, made them experience not only the cultural practices of their parents notwithstanding also those followed by the wider society. The effect that it creates, is a more tolerant and render-minded society. In a globalized world, ideas such as isolation and discrimination are not acknowledged anymore. Multiculturalism fosters the idea of inclusiveness, where the society is vibrant and open to change. The different individuals bring their own experiences, tastes, and flavors thus making the society diverse and rich. Cultural tends to conflict create conflict, which creates divisions within a nation. Multiculturalism, on the other hand, strengthens the nation du e to its cohesive nature.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Communication plan for childhood obesity Term Paper

Communication plan for childhood fleshiness - Term Paper ExampleThis essay Communication plan for childhood obesity outlines the draft how to sign on the growing rate of obese children in consequence of communication strategy. Parents have the greatest responsibility in bringing change to the current level of obesity among the young children in US. Parents have a avocation to determine the kind of food their children eat and the involvement of children in somatic activities (Williams, et.al, 2013). The mothers should be encouraged to draw their babies adequately and avoid feeding them babies with foods containing high calories, sugar and fat. Parents should encourage their children to guide on part in carnal activities regularly and limit the time which those children spend watching television, videos and playing computer gamesTeachers determine the kind of physical activities that children engage in which in school. In most cases, teachers are focused on academic mathematica l process of their schools and limit the time in which their students engage in physical activities (Williams, et.al, 2013). All training institutions should have a well structured program that specifies the time for students involvement in physical activities and time for class work. Therefore, teachers should prepare adequate time for physical activities to their students every day in order to improve their wellbeing. In addition, students take their meals at school during the day. Therefore, teachers have a duty to ensure that health foods are available for the students objet dart in school.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

What is the relationship between happiness and meaning Why Essay - 1

What is the relationship between happiness and importee Why - Essay Example biography, this study will discuss about the center of invigoration, how logotherapy could enable an individual to recognize the meaning of life, happiness, and the relationship between the Meaning of life and happiness.The meaning of life is found in every second of our breath. Life simply goes on without ceasing the meaning of life even in times of depression or death. According to Frankl, The meaning of our origination is not invented by us but rather detected. (Frankl, 1963 p. 157)Meaning in Viktor Frankls Mans Search for Meaning refers to the reasons that gives us a sense of purpose in our life. The collection of Meaning could be ones health, approval and acceptance among our friends, having luxurious things and material wealth, a good love life and family relations, comfort, happiness, or anything that drives us to live. (Dodson, 2007) On the other hand, when a person lacks all the necessary things t hat I had mentioned earlier, tribe generally suffers due to lack of material comfort.According to Frankl, people that survive under the circumstances of ample sufferings have a Meaning, Purpose, and Hope to make them hold on with life. Some people find expect by establishing their spiritual relationship with Godi.Experiencing a value can be in a realize of love. When we experience loving a significant other or loving friends and family members, we tend to overcome the damaging aspects such as problems or depression in our lives.Suffering, according to Frankl is about attitudinal values. The author stated that when a person lives his life with a meaning, that person could always endure life with dignity. (Frankl, 1963 p. 117) It is possible to find the meaning through suffering by loving and helping other people find the meaning of life could work wonderfully in the life ofA persons will to Meaning or his/her determination to strive in determining the real meaning of life is als o a major factor that makes a person able to succeed in the

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Over 30 workers Trapped After Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Research Paper

Over 30 workers Trapped later on Chilean Copper Mine Collapse - Research Paper ExampleThe rescue team had to drill an different shaft to get into the miners. After, two months of drilling since the collapsed of the mine the rescue team managed to get into the pin down miners. Although, the conditions were unbearable the miners did all they could to remain alive while waiting to be rescued. Moreover, the government provided liquid fodder like milk to the mines to sustain the health condition of each person. The collapse of San Esteban mine was tragic and sad mainly to the affected families. Thus, a communication design had to be in place to address the swerve to the public and affected families. The government of Chile and San Esteban Mining Company had to filter the information that gets into the world close to the disaster. Whelchel and Dauble indicate that the company has to deliver information in two main ways (2011). This is because of the existence of flock with differen ce roles in the group and the having the audience in mind. Firstly, the information should be to the families and workers and secondly to the employees and press. As a result, delivering information with these audiences in mind will ensure most people receive the message as the company and the government intended. ... Therefore, Whelchel and Dauble indicate that the mining company has the responsibility to inform the families of the detain workers about the happenings and proceedings taking place to rescue the trapped workers. The information will sponsor address the potential take of the families of the mine. The potential need of the employees while receiving the information is to make love the chances of survival of the trapped workers. More so to help trace the records of the workers trapped in the mine and stand in solidarity with the company leaders. This will help in the process of rescuing and identifying of the affected families. Before delivering the message about the collapsed San Esteban mine, the company should first gear know the number of workers trapped and have the list of the workers in the mine. The company would call an impromptu board meeting to explain to the cozy management team about the disaster that has just happened and lay strategies of rescuing the trapped people. This will help in the clarity of the issues. Durham describes that before delivering information about the mine accident the company needs to know the ways of delivering information to the employees and the affected families (2011). This will help calm and reassure the families and employees and increase the peoples trust in the company rescuing process. Since, the collapse of the mine is a disaster that has affected the country, the government of Chile has to get the first hand information from the mining company before the information about the accident is officially released to other people, The focus of both the company and government will be on the action take n later on the release information about the accident. The company could take

Friday, April 19, 2019

Book report on The stranger by Albert Camus Essay

Book report on The stranger by Albert Camus - Essay ExampleAlbert Camus is considered to the french author of the Modernism era, and he is also famous by its philosophical views and journalistic articles. The philosophy of paradoxical has remained to be his notable contribution in the field of literature of that current (McCarthy, 5-6). This man has an individual and howling(prenominal) world perception that he effuses in his creations.The Stranger has been first published in the year 1942 (McCarthy, 1). Albert Camus has had 29 years old, and that was a period of warfare and devastation. His father has been killed in the whirlpool of events that happened in the previous war (McCarthy, 3). That is why we may lead to personal and historical references while reading the book. Camus represents his own pattern of outlive vision that may seem ridiculous and irritating for the society. Still, this pattern may be understood from antithetical perspective that author suggest us to query. The setting of the novel is the French colony of Algiers and the time is introduced the period before World War II. The Stranger represents two parts of the story that are thematically and logically divided. The main character is named Meursault. There are a few secondary characters in the story which financial aid to develop the plot. The slant on the novel is tragic with the philosophical implications. The atmosphere is gloomy and dull with hush and confident inclusions.Novel The Stranger suggests to the audience the story about allegedly ordinary person Meursault who body to be the recluse man with small needs and paltry subsistence. He is engaged in dumb work, and lives in a small and dirty room. Physical necessities form more important value for Meursault than some(a) entire personal feelings and moral dogmas.This man is viewed as a protagonist of the story. We also may friendship him as anti-hero of the novel due to some perspective. Camus involves the readers into contra dictory

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Physician Query Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physician Query - Essay theoretical accountHOSPITAL COURSE AND TREATMENT The patient was admitted and started on Lovenox and nitroglycerin paste. The patient had serial cardiac enzymes and control out for myocardial infarction. The patient underwent a dual isotope stress test. There was no evidence of reversible ischemia on the Cardiolite scan. The patient has been ambulated. The patient had a Holter monitor placed but the report is not available at this time. The patient has remained hemodynamically immutable. Will discharge.Please review the documentation in the patient aesculapian record on the Discharge Summary (appended as Annexure II) to ensure coding compliance and accuracy. You are pass to address the query, include the missing information and return the query (duly dated and signed). The query form go out become a part of the physicians documentation in the patients medical examination record.INTERVENTIONS A developmentally appropriate, group-oriented therapy program was the primary treatment modality. The attending psychiatrist provided evaluation for and management of psychedelic medications. The clinical therapist facilitated individual, group, and family therapy.COURSE IN HOSPITAL The patient was in the hospital from 06/11/09 until 07/13/09. The most prominent symptoms and behaviors while the patient was here were the following Perceptual disturbances, strange thoughts, he was shady at times, at some point he was complaining of audiovisual hallucinations. He was quiet covering a flat affect, irritable, anxious and depressed moods, tearful at times, homesick, limited interaction with peers. He was attending groups, however, was showing limited participation. He was superficial, not really working too much on her issues, more(prenominal) focused on how soon she was going to be discharged more than working on her issues. He stated strange feelings and sensations. The patient has shown some improvement in general. However, he is not comple tely stable yet, and he

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Ethnic study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethnic study - Essay ExampleThis is because man is a giver and feminine is a receiver in a knowledgeable encounter . in time, homosexuality has been succumbed to m any(prenominal) prejudices and argu ments, but compose it continued to persist as an ever forbidden entertainment for male population. Men have ever more than dominated sexual rights, and women were restricted and tabooed from experiencing sexual activities like men do. Men have been given more opportunity to explore their sexual desires whereas women have been condemned from following her whims and fancies more or less sex. It was considered natural for men to practice any means to satisfy his sexual needs as it was his utmost biological or physiological need. However the author, Mathew Guttman considered that such outward sexual fantasies of men have led to the practice of homosexuality among them which led to support and other sexually transmitted diseases. The notions of men natural sexual desires were blamed fo r a host of health problems like AIDS on Oaxaca(Guttmann,3). It is a common perception that all men carry aforementioned(prenominal) sexual desires and wants and all want to have sexual encounter with women in order to reach pleasure and satisfaction. But the fact is various, as various men indulge in different sexual acts with different gender to accomplish their sexual fetishes. They predominantly are sexual beings, and their needs are more machine-accessible to the body than mind, and, want their urges to be met invariable of the sexual object of desire. According to the author, men are not heterosexual always as most people think, many keeps a secret sexuality of themselves which they turn tail to explore in hides -out or darkness. Birth Control Issue Birth control is practiced among Mexican families for the main objective of restricting the pay of children and to give men more chances of indulging in sexual pleasures. Since generations, women have been given contraceptive methods to bug themselves from getting pregnant. In Mexico, men are more interested about the reproductive health and sexuality and birth control measures are taken keeping in mind these two said factors. It is just likewise obvious that much of the decision making about what birth control methods , about what antiretroviral treatment for people with HIV and AIDS, are available take correct in boardrooms of pharmaceutical companies of Basel, Switzerland and New Jersey(Gutmann,14).This shows that the men and women have little control on the birth control decision making and they depend on foreigners and medical specialist for this purpose. The main issue regarding gaining entropy on sterilization among Oaxaca men is tedious. Most of them men are deceitful when it comes to explaining the real reason fanny their choice of sterilization. However, most men resort to sterilization for not taxing womens health too much as they are the one who always get succumbed to contraceptive m ethods and techniques in earlier tiems. The men even want to have more sexual experience with women and if they are sterilized they can run in sex with female partners more frequently and carelessly. The medicalization of men sexuality, is another major rival of Mexican nation. The author here means that, sexual activities and phenomena of men in Mexico should be a subject of concern among the health care reforms and medical centers. They should study why men are infected with HIV and should stop the widespread of disease across the

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Logan family Essay Example for Free

The Logan family EssayCompare how Charles Dickens and Mildred D Taylor portray the social and personal problems of the main characters in Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry and Oliver Twist. Who overcomes their problems to a greater extent successfully? Roll of thunder hear my cry is a al-Quran written by Mildred D Taylor about racial prejudice in 1930s Mississippi. The main character is a small ignominious girl called flame durrajong Logan and the story is mainly about the social difficulties that mimosa bush and her family face due to prejudice. Oliver sheer is a book written by Charles Dickens about discrimination due to social class.The book is set in 19th century London. The main character is a small orphaned male child called Oliver and the book follows his journey towards finding his fortune and family history. The main characters of these two books actually have more in common than it may at first seem Cassie Logan is a nine-year-old black child who lives in Mississippi s urrounded by her family and friends. The Logan family have their witness land although many a(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) families are sharecroppers on land owned by mr Harlan Granger, a moderately rich dust coat man who used to own the Logans land and tries to get it back from them throughout the story.Towards the end of the book, TJ, a friend of Staceys (Cassies older brother who is just about the same age as him) is involved in a robbery along with two white boys who lay he blame on TJ when they are later found out. A lynch class then comes later on TJ with the intension of hanging him. Mr Logan sets his cotton field on fire as a distraction and blacks and whites are momentarily united as they try to extinguish the fire. Roll of thunder is told in the first person narrative through Cassies eyes.It addresses such issues as the importance of ripe parents as many children around the Logans such as TJ and the Sims get into a lot of trouble as a progeny of poor or weak p arents. Oliver twist is a small boy who is orphaned in a workhouse under the management of mr bumble. Here he is underfed and one day asks for more food. This results in him be sent to mr Sowebery to work as an apprentice. Here he is bullied by Noah Claypole and runs away to London. He finds himself in the pass on of a pickpocket called Fagin who befriends Oliver along with many of his young apprentices.Oliver then turns Mr Brownlow, a well off brawny gentleman who he discovers at the end of the story was in fact a friend of his fathers He stays with mr Brownlow for a while before he is captured again by Fagin. Later in the story, we meet monks, Olivers half brother who is out to get Olivers Inheritance, which we find to be a small fortune. Oliver also meets other family members and at the end of the story, finds himself in a comfortable family situation Cassie and Oliver are two rattling different characters but in fact they have quite a lot in common. Cassie Logan is a very loud and out communicate child.She always speaks her mind and is, unknowingly, sometimes offensive to other concourse in doing this. She is quite a rounded character who appreciates her family and true friends. She often deals with difficult situations by becoming aggressive, which does not always work to her advantage. Oliver however, unlike Cassie, is a very quiet and meek child. Even though he lives in a poor, working class community he is very well spoken and good. He is a stereotype of a good and honest child. Where Cassie would become aggressive when threatened, Oliver would or else run away from his troubles.He can however, become violent if provoked, especially by insults to his mother as we learn from his fight with Noah Claypole. Both children face many similar problems in their stories but the writers portray them in different ways. Both children face prejudice but for different reasons, Cassie because of race and Oliver because of his social class. Cassie Logan, like O liver has the problem of poverty. Logan family have their own land, which means that they are economically free. The children are constantly reminded of how practically this means. Papa says to Cassie You aint never had to live.on nobodys place but your own and as long as I live and this family survives youll never have to. Despite this they do still struggle with money. The children do not have new clothes when they need them, they do not have shoes in the spend and mama is often complaining about the food supply. Just one tablespoon of baking powder, and not so heaping The Logans are however, better off than many other families such as the Averys who are sharecroppers on Granger land and can never break out of the cycle of owing money to the Wallaces because of the credence system.Cassie, along with the rest of the black community, faces many examples of racial prejudice. Her incident in Strawberry with Mr Simms is a good example of this. Firstly Cassie is made to carry whils t Mr Barnett helps the white customers in the shop who have arrived after her. When she complains about this, she is twice insulted by Mr Barnett and leaves the shop with Stacey. you was helping us, I said backing to the front of the incompatible again. well you just get your little black self back over there and wait some more When Cassie bumps accidentally into Lillian Jean, her initial apology is not accepted.

Gulliver in Brobdingnag Essay Example for Free

Gulliver in Brobdingnag EssayThe setting of the passage to be analyzed here is that of Gullivers voyage to a land of giants. The speakers context here is the basic laughable devices of reversal and exaggeration. When the dimensions of things are change by reversal there is a comic effect. When clowns at the circus ride a bend in a fine car the effect is hilarious. In a famous Gary Larsen cartoon a gigantic monster is seen peering into a mans car through the wing mirror which reads Things reflected in this mirror may appear to be large than they are. The comic context employed by the speaker in the following passage, then, is that of a man suddenly turned petite by circumstances beyond his control. There are, of course, classical antecedents for this type of size reversal. Odysseus in the cave of Cyclops would provide the best example. There are, no doubt, many who would argue that this incident in the Odyssey is not meant as learning ability. May we not at least wonder, however, if some of Homers audiences didnt chuckle when they heard or so how the subtle Odysseus outwitted the giant?It will be argued in the following that Swifts intention end-to-end Part II as a whole is comic irony, and that the passage to be analyzed typifies the situation in which Gulliver finds himself when surrounded by giants. Starting off, a simple exaggeration introduces the passage The Kings palace is about seven miles round suggesting the colossal size of the castle, the rooms within are cardinal hundred and forty Foot high. Gulliver who is, as we have learned earlier, a proud and dignified man is reduced by his comparatively tiny dimensions to the role of a doll.All of his proud bearing and gentlemanly dignity disappears in a describe of smoke when his Mistress Glumdalclitch holds Gulliver up in her hand to give him a better view of the surroundings. Swifts excerpt of words at the beginning of this passage also provides an ironic effect. Gulliver who is, in fa ct, a freak in this society reports that when Glumdalclitch is taken out to see the town, I was always of the company, carried in my Box To be of the party suggests social (and physical) equality, but when Swift follows this dignified phrase with the description in my box the effect is humorous, since Gulliver is revealed as the curiosity and freak that he is by the fact that he travels in a box corresponding a doll. Swifts imagery in this passage allowed allows the reader to see other human-like pecker from the perspective of a very tiny person. It also demonstrates to the reader once again that Swift loves to engage in the humor of the disgusting and the impolite.When a group of Brobdingnagian beggars presses up against the carriage to view the strange little creature that is our speaker, Gulliver is able to observes the cancer on the breast of a beggar woman rise of holes, in 2 or three of which I could have easily crept and body lice and their snouts with which they roo ted like Swine. There is a misogynist quality to this joke. The breast of a woman is presented as disgusting sooner than as an fervency to art and poetry.The idea of crawling into a cancerous lesion on a womans breast is an ugly caper of what men usually think about when they see the naked female breast which is to adore, kiss, or sidle up it. This type of humor is ground on a simple reversal of the usual emotions inspired by an image. The equivalent would be, for example, to provide an image of the Queen of England sitting on a chamber pot rather than her throne. The imagery in the rest of this passage is also unforgettable, especially the wooden legs of a beggar which were separately about twenty Foot high. Immediately following these alarming and disgusting images is another liars invocation based on the category of emphasis. This is offered in Gullivers careful description of his Box. Before analyzing this part of the passage in lucubrate a general comment on Swifts pr oject in Gullivers Travels is required. The speaker mentions many times throughout the tale the phenomenon of travelers tails or books of voyages. These were supposedly factual accounts of what travelers from Europe had seen on the other side of the world.They were, of course, full of lies and Swifts project throughout much of the book is to satirize the lying authors of these books. One well known liars trick is to emphasize the details of some fictional object. This is what Gulliver does with the description of his Box. Its origin is carefully described the Queen consistent a smaller one to be made for me Its design and dimensions are carefully recorded This locomotion Closet was an exact Square with a Window in the Middle of three of the Squares , etc.The of import detail of the boxs construction which will eventual(prenominal)ly allow for Gullivers salvation by sailors is also carefully storied On the fourth side, which had no windows, two strong staples were fixed , an d so on. There is a triplex purpose to what we might call the liars emphasis lavished on this passage. The first is to satirize the books of travelers tales so popular in Swifts days in which exact descriptions of fantastic creatures were given to fool the credulous. The second is to prepare the reader for Gullivers eventual escape.This happens in his traveling box which is then conveniently destroyed by the sailors who rescue him so that no substantial evidence of his adventure remains, and the gullible can easily believe the whole story of Gulliver among the Brobdingnags. The comic irony is an effective device in satirizing human folly. The absurdity in the relationship between these two elements is essentially targeted at England (Gulliver), the Wigs, specifically, whereby Swift is attacking his opposition. In the spirit of Swifts famous word play about his good Master Bates, we can rename his fable Gullibles Travels.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Government Economic Policies and Business Essay Example for Free

Government Economic Policies and Business Essay(a) The government use fiscal policy to increase domain spending. This implies that a grind away in taxation alike took place. The rise in taxes meant that population had less money to spend, i.e. less disposable income. As a result, they were unable to acquire as much. This ca employ the demand of certain products to decline. As a result, the respective companies made less profit. This meant that they were unable to promote as much ( alike to avoid excess supply). This led to companies cutting jobs. The cut in jobs increased unemployment, which meant people had no job, so they had no income, therefore they were unable to spend, which makes the demand fall further, and so on.(b) The government had used fiscal policy to boost the economy. In Japan, the fiscal policy was used to fund the games industry, to create much jobs, in order to increase the income and therefore, increase spending by the people in those jobs. However, we tooshie stop from the graphs that retail sales in Japan in 1997 were dramatically falling. A cause for this was the GDP which also hit an all time low in Japan. This meant that people did not have the money to spend, therefore, from the show up available we can say that Japans fiscal policy was unsuccessful.(c) The countrys budget provides an opportunity not only to point an overview of the macro-economy, but also to make changes to the incentive structures created by different taxes. The chancellor has many objectives to consider at budget time. One of these objectives whitethorn be to increase taxes on polluting fuels (e.g. petrol) so as to discourage their use. This can be controlled by the fiscal policy, which, in this case would involve increasing taxes on such fuels.This may come as a direct tax on the petrol, or more indirectly by increasing the road tax on bigger vehicles. Provided that such polluting fuels are used to the same extent, this would pay higher tax revenue for the government which can then be used to increase public spending, such as building hospitals, which would not only result in better healthcare, but it would also create jobs, which would mean that people would be earning, allowing them more disposable income, and thus influencing spending power, which may in fact be another objective of the government.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Narrative Argument About Education Religion Essay Example for Free

Narrative Argument About Education Religion EssayConsidering the gift of electronic computers Bill supply bestowed upon libraries for students, Im sure his intentions were for the students to excel and keep abreast of the ever changing world of technology, not to replace reading with channel-surfing the web. I agree with Judith Levine when she stated, Its important for students to read books, magazines, newspapers, hi report card, poetry, politics and take care to people who fill in what theyre talking about. rendition books and other literature teaches students the past, present and future, not just now for things happening in the world today but facts about things past. Dating myself, I think foul to the days of the sixties and seventies when reading was fundamental to bringing up. Literacy was important and the only choice we had was to read a book beca white plague there were no computers. Teachers took us to the library weekly, and we were required to check out at least one book and read it. There was also time set aside during class for us to stand up and read a portion of your book aloud. Most of our books had no pictures to stimulate the imagination, so you felt a sense of accomplishment when the book was finished.Teachers took education genuinely serious, and they knew reading was essential to be successful in life therefore, they made sure we took it serious as well. When we read a story for a written material assignment, our first resource was the encyclopedia, which was neatly stacked inside the bookcase in almost every last(predicate)(prenominal) home. There were no short cuts to obtaining information. Reading is more empowering than one-click learning you develop increased discernibility and critical persuasion skills. Computers are a great tool. I use one every day for my online college courses and I know how important it is to question everything I retrieve on the internet. Computers, however, give birth made students delibe rateand lazy. From a very young age children have developed the attitude of not liking to read and with computers supplying all the answers for them, they dont have to. As I sit and look at my blank computer screen, and time is ticking away until my essay is due, I read my story once again. I also head for the web, but only to get ideas and something to assist me with my starting point. Nothing takes the place of old fashioned reading.I know my subject is education and my story is talking about computers, so I google education using computers. One position Using Technology Ways to use Computers/Education.com catches my eye, but after accessing the site I soon find this is not the site or the data thats going to dish me prepare a creditable paper. So I reread my story and the instructions, put my critical pattern cap on and choose not to one stop shop for my assignment. I begin writing everything I can think of and soon the ideas surface. This is unlike inexperienced users, l ike our children and grandchildren, who rely heavily on data they retrieve from the internet without considering how much weight the site is going to hold, and what kind of argument the data will present to their readers who may feel they did not provide enough information about the topic. Our students have become accustom to presenting data found on the web as fact, giving no thought to how bias the information might be.Some even portray the data as their own, without verifying its validity. Parents train to share some of the responsibility, because we are not teaching our children the difference between working hard and scantily working. From a Biblical perspective Deuteronomy 6 4-9 states Hear, O Israel The shaper our God, the Lord is one You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them w hen you sit in your firm, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall reserve them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. This command from God explains wherefore education is important, and why it is our responsibility as parents to civilise our children, both academic and Biblically.My eighty-three year old Uncle Mike was a prime example of why getting an education is important. He only had about an eighth grade education and virtually no Biblicalknowledge. Because of his limitations, he was never able to make a decent living throughout his life. He also had no knowledge of who God was and expressed no desire to be saved. His soul was ill-omened to hell however, I never gave up on Uncle Mike. I knew it was Gods will that everyone be saved, and on July 28th, 2013, his eyes were opened, and his heart soften as he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior two days before he passed away. In conclusion, computer use has caused us to no longer read books or utilize our critical thinking skills. Our students have become slack and lazy and collect unreliable data to present as facts. We must guide and teach them how to surf the web and to become better readers, which in turn, will make them better writers.ReferencesLevine, J, I Surf, Therefore I Am, in To the Point, Reading and Writing Short Arguments, 2nd, 222-224. Pearson Education, Inc. 2009 MacArthur Study Bible NKJV (1997) Word Publishing, a voice of Thomas Nelson Inc.Narrative Argument about Education thesis/OutlineTopic Education and ComputersThesis Statement The everyday use of computers has caused us to become slack and lazy. We no longer read or utilize our critical thinking skills. The inexperienced user collects unreliable data, and presents them as fact. OutlineI. IntroductionReading vs ComputersII. Body ParagraphsA. Author argumentB. Education ImportanceC. Alternative to ComputersD. Biblical Perspective.ConclusionComputer use has caused us to no longer read or utilize of criticalthinking skills.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Ininternet Addiction and How It Affects Educational Success Essay Example for Free

Ininternet dependency and How It Affects Educational Success EssayMany people carry out most of their daily activities apply the internet, for example, banking, paying bills and trading which has led to a marked dependence on the internet. According to the Center for on-line Addiction (1998), there are several types of internet addiction The first is Cyber-sexual Addiction where people arouse habituated to pornography on the internet. The second is Cyber-relationship Addiction where people make on-line friends in chatrooms and short the online friends replace life friends and family.The third is Net- Compulsions where people engage in different compulsive behaviors such as gambling, auctions and excessive online trading. People develop an internet addiction for different reasons. Some people become addicted to the profits because of the social connections they make online. This is because they develop emotional attachments to the online friends they meet on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. The internet offers anonymity where people can talk about issues that they would not feel gratuitous to talk to close friends or family about. The internet also provides a wide array of activities which keeps people online in search of new and exciting forms of entertainment The internet has both positive and negative affects on education. Internet addiction negatively affects the social life of students it leads to an inability to communicate in the real world. insufficiency of communication skills it makes it hard for students to form healthy relationships with their peers at nurture. The internet can also be really distracting.There are a lot of fun activities on the internet like games and social networks which distracts students from doing their school work. Internet addicts spend a lot of time on the internet which leads to exhaustion due to leave out of sleep which in turn leads to a lack of concentration at school. Internet addict ion continues to be a major problem in todays society and measures should be taken to mark that students who are addicted to the internet receive help in order to continue with their studies.Students should be do aware of the reality of internet addiction and its negative effects on their academic performance. Teachers and parents should also adjust the time spent by students on the internet to enable them to achieve better academic excellence. References shopping centre for Internet Addiction (2011). A Growing Epidemic. Retrieved 5, 2013 from http//www. netaddiction. com Young K. S. (1998). Caught in the net how to recognize the signs of Internet addiction-and a winning strategy for recovery. New York J. Wiley.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Central venous catheter Essay Example for Free

Central venous catheter EssayHealthcare institutes today are facing a major(ip) problem with primally- notation- associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs). CLABSIs occur commonly and are the most potentially preventable source if morbidity. This look was conducted to see how central line bundles could be use to eliminate CLABSIs. According to the Sutter Roseville medical center (SRMC), they demand seven years of zero CLABSIs, by using a broader approach of the central line buddle quite a thus the conventional buddle required by the CDC (Harnage, 2012).The SRMCs, central line buddle is ease to use and failure certainty as shown in figure 1 of the article (Harnage). This article explained how various component of the central line buddle were modified to achieve zero infection of CLABSIs by the SRMC. The most important point of this approach was settlement of infection through central lines. The success of this approach was base on the protocol implemented on grooming ch ange, catheter flushing and daily checking of all central lines. Dressing changes were done only when the site was messes but with the protocol is done every 7 days and as needed, also the catheter lines were been flushed with normal saline solution then with heparin using a positive pressure flush, but now flushing is done every 8 hours when not in use or before and after medication administration with 10ml of normal saline using a push and pause technique. Remember these lines can not be use if in that location is no blood return and the potency checked.For this protocol to be effective, education and training was mandated for the commemorate nurses, that is a one -on -one bedside training. The register nurses are the once using this line on a daily bases so training them on the use of this line were a major past in the infection underwrite process. An aspect in the dressing change kit in was also nurse friendly in that all the supplies needed for the dressing change were place in a single package. By move everything together it helped the nurse to easily access everything they need, because due to the many tasks the nurse needs to do, they may be tempted to bypass or skip entirely preventive practices that are too time consuming.The nurses also had to catalogue on a daily base on the uncomplaining flow sheet how the site and dressing on the line look, thus making the nurses take responsibility and accountabit of the site. The main problem with this approach was that it wasnt cost effective. But according on research, CLABSIs cost from $21300 and $35000 to treat, thus avoiding infections can save most healthcare institute hundreds of thousands of pounds annually (Harnage).I will like everyone who reads this article to implement it because is a patient initiative culture approach and we as healthcare provide are there to provide care to patient and do no harm. With that say, my clinical group for NURS 210 at Grace Fairview strike since this practice and protocol and have also participated in it implementation. So from experience I will follow the approach and encourage my register nurses colleague to do same because the benefits out weight the disadvantages.REFERENCE.Harnage, S. (2012) Seven years of zero central line associate bloodstream infections.British Journal of Nursing, 2012 (IVTHERAPY SUPPLEMENT),Vol 21, No 21

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Duchess of Malfi Essay Example for Free

Duchess of Malfi EssayThe Duchess of Malfi compose by John Webster was first performed around 1613. A dramatic tragedy, the play is about a dis each(prenominal)ow marriage between the Duchess and Antonio her steward, and the wrath of her buddys which leads to many of their deaths. Webster focuses on the role of rank to detail the emotions between relationships in an aristocratic family in a time when class was all important. He uses many distinctive features to rent the substance of the play and its personas, and give the imposters play the roles cues for stage performance. This extract is part of the proposal and marriage scene, unmatchable of the biggest emotional dramatic scenes of the play. The duchess is marrying in secret against her brothers heedes their terror is that she will demean the familys honour by remarrying. It besides forms the most positive aspect of the play, using iodin of the traditional stage conventions of love, defiance and reprehension (Pach eco and Johnson (2012) pg. 93). This serve wells to provide a lift to an otherwise dark play, and comp atomic number 18s the lighter side of the Duchess sexual desire to her brother Ferdinands.The extract is set at the second half of Act 1 scene 1, the first half being to set the backdrop for the audience and give them a good idea of each record and a good indication of things to come. Specifically, the extract is between the Duchess finding out how Antonio feels about marriage and their coupling itself here, the Duchess is convincing Antonio that he is worthy of her, that she is woman enough despite her brothers, her rank and her status as a widow. This is achieved by the features of Websters distinctive language and the stage directions (both written and performed through reading).The Duchess uses double meaning in her dialogue, So now the grounds broke/ you may discover what a wealthy exploit/ I crop you lord of. (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.432-33). She is referring to her own wealth and the value of his rank when they marry. This wordplay is too in the personal stress of credit we are forced to woo because none dare woo us (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.446) she is again referring to her rank and playing on the word woo to mean woe (and the jeering being that she is wooing him). These are really persuasive downslopes for Antonio, who feels unworthy of the Duchess despite the traditional gender roles being swapped, and the dominance of the Duchess being prevalent.He realises this with the line These words should be mine, (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.476). There is also wordplay in All discord, without this circumference, / Is moreover to be pitied and non feared. (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.473). The Duchess is referring to the situation they are in (secret wedding and/or the room), the wedding ring she has given him and to the confinement her brothers wish for her. There could also be reference to how Antonio will be should they marry a higher rank, tho i t will be a secret for some time. The duchess is trying to assuage the fear of it all by saying without it on that point is only pity (for her).The metre and rhythm of the speech in this extract is other distinctive feature. It is un-rhyming blank verse and follows the rules of iambic pentameter except where Webster wants a quotation to pause, for example, You were ill to sell yourself (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.435) is only three feet of the full five feet line, leaving deuce for pause before the next line. This puts impact on that line but also on the ones chase it. This technique is also echoed in the woo line (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.446) the metre of the line is slightly too long, which shows the Duchess unwillingness to follow orders. Likewise, the line You have left me heartless, mine is in your bosom (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.453) is too long, giving emphasis on the line and a cue for the actress playing the Duchess to use it for stage direction. The Duchess and Antonios di alogue overlaps through most of this extract it makes them sound as if they are thinking together giving the audience a feel for the emotional charge between the two characters.We have already lookn from earlier in scene 1 that the Duchess is clearly defiant of her brothers, so it is curt surprise to see that in response to Antonios fear of them she shrugs them off with the line Do not think of them. (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.472). this confirms the audiences view of her as being strong and resilient but also somewhat naive, and also gives them a clue of what is to come, especially when she follows with the lines Yet, should they know it, time will easily/ scatter the tempest. (Webster, (2010 1623) 1.1.476). This dramatic irony confirms what the audience knows but Antonio does not that her brothers are unaware of their impending marriage. Indeed, with these lines Webster is inviting the audience to fear the brothers reaction too after hearing their earlier death threat to the Duch ess. (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.298-344)The depth of each character and difference of rank is shown in this extract by Websters use of nonliteral language. The Duchess continuously shows her function and sprit, something which continues throughout the play take down to her death. And poor Antonio, who despite being honest and loyal, is overwhelmed at the turn of events and the metaphoric swapping of gender roles to the point where he is seeking solace in the Duchesss words and is laughing(prenominal) to be deluded Would not have savoured flattery (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.478). He is painfully aware that he is not equal in rank but will be in marriage, and his fears exaggerate her strength These words should be mine,/ And all of the parts you have spoke, if some part of it/ Would not have savoured flattery. (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.476-8)As for performance, the extract only provides one written key stage direction (she kisses him) (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.468). However, there is pl enty in the reading of the extract to mend to performance. This also leaves room for interpretation in relation to performance possibilities. The pace of the dialogue changes depending on which character is speaking, for example, lines 445-462 are full of short syllables which quicken the rhythm of the metre to make it energetic and erratic, And fearfully equivocates, (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.448). It could serve to make the Duchess sound tense yet determined, and she could be sort of ranting in her attempts to convince Antonio.These lines also provide many words that can be used as stage direction, for example era she is speaking between lines 445 and 451 she could be pacing the stage and using her hands to emphasise her point The tribulation of Thing it is not (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.445-52). Also in Go, go brag, (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.452), she could point off stage as if inviting him to leave, both in an angry or defeated way. After, in You have left me heartless (Webster , (20101623) 1.1.453), her hands could go to her heart, and then onto his with mine is in your bosom and leave them there for you do tremble (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.453-54). She could shake him at awake, awake, man, (Webster, (20101623) 1.1.459).The pace slows down again after Antonio has promised to protect her reputation the syllables become longer and more even and written commas slow the dialogue to make it measured. This follows to the end of the extract so we can see that the Duchess is calmer and happy now that Antonio has accepted her proposal. This should reflect in the way that the person playing the Duchess should perform, especially when she is shrugging off the fear of her brothers, as it is almost nonchalant.The stage set up should have enough room for there to be complete focus on the characters and no superfluous scenery perhaps only what is required to make it obvious what the room is, plus the table and chair for Antonio and the curtains for Cariola to hide behin d. If the Duchess is pacing the stage while she rants there should be adequate room for this, and Antonio could follow behind her. Indeed, if he is seeking solace in her words, the actor may wish to appear meek (and therefore filling the gender and rank role) by following her blindly but also allowing her to turn to place her hands on him where necessary.In all, we can see how the distinctive features of Websters language have brought the play into being. The use of dramatic irony, metre and rhythm, imagery and poetic language to convey emotion, bring scenes to life and help the audiences perception. Webster also especially does this in his use of figurative language to create stage directions for the cast, which in turn helps them to set and convey the scene. With the play only having shrimpy written stage directions, Webster leaves the play open for the actors interpretation, and its possibilities onstage.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Integrated Conservation Development Projects Essay Example for Free

interconnected Conservation Development be afters EssayIntegrated Conservation Development Projects (ICDP) look into how the socio-economic goals of a people may be achieved without compromising the ecological symmetricalness of the environment. At the same time, ICDP, more importantly, is directed at using socio-economic investments to keep the biodiversity intact despite the influx of human activities. ICDPs require an assessment of the dynamics of the project argona so as to be up to(p) to determine the appropriate approach and the needed intervention, and monitoring and evaluation in the target familiarity. The following are experiences of the implementation of some ICDPs English Title Conservation and developing projects in the Brazilian Amazon lessons from the community beginning(a) program in Rondonia. Personal Authors Browder, J. O. Author Affiliation Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, Virginia polytechnic institute Institute and State University, Blacksbur g, VA 24061, USA. Document Title Environmental Management, 2002 (Vol. 29) (No. 6) 750-762 Publisher Springer-Verlag NewYork Inc.Abstract This ICDP takes on community-based conservation and development as a foundation of sustainable economic development. Although there is a growing debate on the effectiveness and replicability of ICDPs, the central elements of the concept of integrated conservation and development are examined through a commentary of the Community Initiative Program (CIP), a pilot program of the Rondonia Natural Resources Management project in the western Brazilian Amazon state of Rondonia.The CIP apply the principles of ICDP to the regional scale in different communities at the same time. Conservation impacts of the program and lessons learned are presented here. Author Asian Development hope division 1998 Paper Title Central Sulawesi Integrated Area Development and Conservation Project Abstract This ICDP focuses on Indonesias Central Sulawesi Integrated Developm ent Conservation Project. The goals of the Project are poverty reduction and sustainable development achieved through acceleration and sustained growth of the agricultural sector.It also has a policy instalment that aims to develop a policy framework and institutional reform measures to increase agricultural productivity. The expected outputs and outcomes of the Project are hoped to bring about socio-economic as well as environmental benefits. The benefits shall have a controlling impact on both the poor and the indigenous cultural communities in the field. Author The World Bank Documents Reports Year 2007 Paper Title Request for the secretary of states approval to designate Bolong Fenyo as Gunjar community wildlife shynessJournal Title Gambia Integrated Coastal and shipboard soldier Biodiversity Management Project Volume 2 of 2 Abstract Gambias critical ecological areas may be protected with The Integrated Coastal and Marine Biodiversity (ICAM) project. A number of expected p roject impacts and mitigation measures may regulate activities through the establishment of vision utilization zones within the core park area and buffer zones but these are aimed to obtain irresponsible effects and impact both in the short-term and in the long run.A new garb of rules will also have to be drafted by the DPWM and the communities so that permitted activities especially in the reserve area such as fishing and oystering may be agreed upon. Other alternative options are world explored in view of the limitations presented.ReferencesCab Abstracts. (2007). Conservation and development projects in the Brazilian Amazon lessons from the community initiative program in Rondonia. Retrieved October 8, 2007, from Cab Abstracts Web site https//www.adb.org/

Sunday, April 7, 2019

American Psychological Association Ethical Code Essay Example for Free

Ameri trick Psychological Association Ethical autograph screenA Code of moral philosophy can be an overly complicated document that seeks to embrace either detail of behaviors that will non be acceptable to senior company care if found out. slowdown employees argon pres acceptedd to deliver results which will often be enhanced if they do non strictly dumbfound to the Code of Ethics. The contention is that honorable canons are in-chief(postnominal) to the cheek there is an ethical code, so the giving medication must be ethical. To the employee, it defines boundaries so they know when they are crossing them. Not all ethical codes are equal.If they protect employees from breaching some unwritten code, then they are skillful and fair. They must also be use rigorously to senior management. It is normal for people who make rules to think that they should apply to others more than themselves, and thats not a healthy bearing to look at it. As we arrive all learned, rule s should apply to e rattlingone for them to be just. If rules are made for only a authoritative group of people within an organization, the balance of advocate tips to one side unfairly and it leaves the organization and its consumers open to ethical breaches.My source showing why codes of morals are important.Ingram, David. Importance of Creating a Code of Ethics for a Business. Small Business. Houston Chronicle, 2014 Codes of moral philosophy are very important because it guides decision making. It creates a cohesive understanding boundaries within an organization and it sets standards for interacting with external people. A intimately written, formal code of moral philosophy can reduce ambiguity of certain rules and can serve as a guideline for making tough, and often controversial decisions. A code of morals also plays an important role of protecting a companies and its employees reputation and where it stands legally when there is a breach of ethics by an individual pe rson. A good code of ethics helps avoid not knowing what to do when one is confronted with a big dilemma.When a code of ethics is written for businesses that operate overseas and/or in other countries, it can be vital that an organization abide by the code of ethics to avoid a very unfortunatemisunderstanding in another country that may have drastically different views than your own. As I have shown, it is critically important for an organization to have a formal, well written code of ethics to set ethical standards for individuals within the organization. That way, when an individual breaches that ethical code, the organization can fall back on that code of ethics and say that what that individual did goes against the organizations standards. So mostly codes of ethics are good, and needed. They serve a critical purpose in most organizations and serve as a guideline of how to conduct business. It safeguards the company against breaches of ethics because they have their own code of ethics that are written and can show it to prove where they stand whenever their standards are called into question.My source showing whats revile with codes of ethics.Lunday, Jason. Codes of Conduct Typical Weakness and How to Overcome Them This article highlights what can be wrong with codes of ethics. One of the of import problems with codes of ethics is that they may not be well constructed and not specifically address the companies specific necessitate and characteristics. almosttimes the standards in the code of ethics dont clearly specify what an employee should do with certain challenges, and can sometimes put an employee in a dilemma abiding by the standards and suffering the consequences, or going against the code to get the job done. Many employees have indicated that codes of ethics are written with good intentions and convey good intentions, but most of the time they do not acknowledge the realities and practicalities of the business environment.Some codes of ethics can set the wrong tone and seem too vague or level(p) too legalistic. Employees have stated that some codes of ethics seem to be protective of top management rather than the whole company, especially those at the lower levels. What I have noticed with some codes of ethics is that they do sound too legalistic and they leave a lot of the common sense topics out. Most codes of ethics do not include advertising, but most companies advertise in some way. Some codes of ethics are created with benchmarks of other companies codes of ethics. When this happens, an organizations code of ethics might sound and look great, but it doesnt stand for their specific purpose and doesnt address some of the most important aspects of the organization.One Strength of the Code of Ethics.Psychologists are involved in the difficult area of human behavior. On a daily stand they are dealing with people whose view of the world has often been distorted by their history. They may come out to lose their own g uideposts. The Code of Ethics is a reference that can be consulted to make sure the psychologist does not stray from a moderate behavior path. If it creates conflicts for the practitioner the relevant Ethics Code can be taken up with a supervisor allowing for discussion and interpretation.One Weakness of the Code of EthicsThe Council of Representatives of the APA developed the code. Anytime you have a committee design something you are likely to complicate it. Each vocalization has their own world view and in a committee setting feel they have to bring in more. The weakness is that adding more detail rather than making issues clearer can make them ambiguous. There are decade Commandments in the bible and 89 ethical standards set by the APA.One thing I see and did not expectI did not expect that the Code would exclude application to practitioners remote of stimulate activities. While legally the Code probably cannot be enforced outside of work, if the Code is silent on that poi nt it would imply that this should be a personal code anyway. By stating that it does not apply outside of work it implies that practitioners have to be on their best behavior at work and not the way they might behave outside of work. This weakens the practice of the code. An example of when the code might be used.Standard 3 is a key Code in this line of work. As the patient has life issues their gratitude for help and verbal intimacy with the practitioner may lead to a relationship. The Code of Ethics is a reminder to not let this happen. While the Code of Ethics is restricted to work activities this area should apply if practitioner is in a work situation or not.Explanation of why the code would be usedAs in all occupations. Do no harm must be the key ethical position. As the brain is a largely unknown organ, psychologists have to be very careful about their handling of mental issues. Their patients are at various stages of walking towards a personal precipice, the practitioner ca nnot afford to pay off an accidental push. Code 3.08 covers exploitative relationships between practitioner and patient and is the most likely violation of code which must be reported. As patients are having trouble with their own reality a suggestion from the practitioner may be seen as normal by the patient but not by the ethical code.Works CitedAmerican Psychological Association Code of Ethicshttp//www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspxIngram, David. Importance of Creating a Code of Ethics for a Business. Small Business. Houston Chronicle, 2014. Web. 28 Oct. 2014. . Lunday, Jason. Codes of Conduct Typical Weakness and How to Overcome by Jason Lunday. Corporate Compliance Insights. 17 June 2010. Web. 28 Oct. 2014. .

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Tax Return Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Tax Return Worksheet Essay1. Even though Gloria is single, her register status is Head of Household. Why is Gloria fit to file as head of household? Gloria is up to(p) to file head of house hold in this case because, she has a mountain pass dependent. A qualifying dependent would be a closely related relative dependent that you have provided for maintaining a groundwork for yourself and your dependent or dependents.2. How does Gloria benefit from filing as head of household, rather than single? She benefits more from filing head of household because she go forth get better tax benefits like higher standard deductions and cut tax rates. 3. What is Glorias adjusted gross income? In which line in the tax form did you go back her total income? Line-21 Adjusted gross income 22,275.4. Even though Gloria is filing the short form (1040A), she is still able to get two credits. What are the two credits Gloria receives? List the line you found the answers on as well. 1,000 Additiona l child Tax credit line 41, and 728 for child care tax credit lines 29-33.5. How oft of a refund is Gloria going to receive? 2,5006. What are the four steps listed in the filing checklist? footfall 1 Sign and date the pass by. Step 2 Assemble the return. Step 3 Mail the return Step Keep a copy.7. On the Wage and Tax statement, list how much Gloria paid in her Federal Tax Withholding? 1,5008. How much did she earnings in Social Security and Medicare? 1,721 in total.9. If she had owed bills but was not able to pay it, what options would she have? She fundament apply for additional time to pay through an online application where she might get granted extra time to pay based on her situation. Also she can setup an installment agreement she could do this by applying on a Web-based Online pay Agreement application on IRS.gov. There she might be allowed as a taxpayer who owes $25,000 or slight in combined tax, penalties and interest to self-qualify, apply for, and receive immediate notification of approval of this option. She can in like manner request an installment agreement that under circumstances may allow her to create a accessible way to establish an installment agreement this takes away the need for personal interaction with IRS and reduces paper processing. She can also do this by completing and submitting a Form 9465 in writing, or call 1-800-829-1040 to puff your request. Balances over $25,000, are due to complete a financial statement to determine the monthly pay amount for an installment plan.10. If you have questions about filing your tax return, where would you go for help? Did any of Glorias tax conditions teach you about your own situation? IRS service center, and Glorias situation is different than mine but I did learn that there is a child care credit available, which I will take advantage next year when filing my taxes.